

Landscape Water Management

Our Water Management tools help property owners, property managers and landscape contractors budget water needs accurately, spot problems and report savings.

We know that managing irrigation water is a tough business problem. Landscape water needs vary not only based on plant type, soil type and sun exposure, but also based on seasons. Hitting this moving target consistently requires accurate, up to date data and good math.

Here is how our Water Management tools solve this problem:

Dynamic Alerts – As schedules are being developed, dynamic alerts prevent over-under watering. Various alerts keep weather demand, landscape demand and run-off limits in check.

Online Reports – Each month’s schedule is posted to the online reports to show savings and progress. Easy to read charts and tables summarize the analysis down to simple facts.

Site Maps – Knowing the location of various landscape elements and which valve waters which area is critical for water management. While the schedules are being developed site maps are within close reach for quick reference.

Landscape Quality Control

Our Online Quality Control Tools provide a workflow solution to spot and follow-up on landscape quality problems. Trends in landscape quality are documented through easy to read tables and charts making management easier.

All good managers understand that you can’t manage what you can’t objectively measure. Most quality programs in the landscape industry suffer from the same basic problem: lack of objective quality metrics.

Here is how our Quality Control tools solve this problem:

Inspection Maps – We divide your property into logical, fixed inspection areas forming an inspection map.

Priority Setup – Some areas of a property are more important than others. By assigning higher and lower priorities to inspection areas, you can hold your contractor to your quality standards while controlling the budget of the service.

Consistent Inspections – Inspections can be performed by the contractor, property manager, property owner, or third party consultant. Using the pre-defined inspection maps assures the comparability of the results over time. Our data collection forms contain information about the defects found in past inspections to increase consistency.

Flexible Data Collection and Entry – Inspection data can be collected via a digital recorder, a tablet computer or using our paper inspection form. Data entry is done through our automated inspection entry form.

Online Reports – Each inspection is easily posted to the online reports to show quality improvement progress. Easy to read charts and tables summarize the results of the inspections.

Custodial Quality Control

Very similar to our Landscape Quality Control Tools, the Custodial version of the Quality Control Tools provide a workflow solution to spot and follow-up on custodial quality problems. Trends in Custodial quality are documented through easy to read tables and charts making management easier.

Custodial maintenance is no simple tasks. Keeping up with the cleanliness and appearance of a building full of people is a never ending process. Without the help of sophisticated yet easy to use tools measuring how effective the custodial management programs are would be impossible.

Here is how our Quality Control tools solve this problem:

Inspection Maps – We divide your property into logical, fixed inspection areas forming an inspection map.

Priority Setup – Some areas of a property are more important than others. By assigning higher and lower priorities to inspection areas, you can hold your contractor to your quality standards while controlling the budget of the service.

Consistent Inspections – Inspections can be performed by the contractor, property manager, property owner, or third party consultant. Using the pre-defined inspection maps assures the comparability of the results over time. Our data collection forms contain information about the defects found in past inspections to increase consistency.

Flexible Data Collection and Entry – Inspection data can be collected via a digital recorder, a tablet computer or using our paper inspection form. Data entry is done through Auditorsoft’s automated inspection entry form.

Online Reports – Each inspection is easily posted to the online reports to show quality improvement progress. Easy to read charts and tables summarize the results of the inspections.